Volunteer Details

Costs and Funding

Time for God is a registered charity whose purpose is to advance volunteering for young adults in the UK. We are currently not in receipt of government funding or other charitable funding. We are constantly looking for opportunities to access funding and welcome any colloboration to this end.

The programme is self funded as a charity as all profits are put back into our charitable work as a volunteering charity.

Time for God believes that every young person should have access to our volunteer programme, and to facilitate this we have a bursary fund specifically for applicants from economically challenged backgrounds. We work closely with our partners on the ground to assess the individual financial situation of applicants,  and we may part- fund the visa application process at our descretion through our bursary programme.

If you are applying for programme through one of our sending partners, it is important to you check with them directly what support, if any they will provide you whilst on the programme. Usually a volunteer must be able to fund his or her visa applications costs plus upkeep whilst on the programme according to UKVI requirements.

We work under very strigent UK Visa and Immigration laws as a Tier 5 Charity Visa Sponsor, and we will always adhere to laws.


Can we help with anything?

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Still have questions?

Please let us know if you still have any questions about the programme and how to be part of it and we will do our best to provide more information.

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