
Our Impact


2023 was a significant year for Time for God mainly because of the importance of consolidating our work and re-establishing our many networks and connections in the UK and world-wide. Internally the organisation went through some important structual changes that have impacted positively on how we drive forward our vision.

Key highlights and achievements 2023:

1. Increase in the UK Placement Engagement: We saw an increase in registration of new projects with many previously dormant and new projects reaching out to be involved with our work.
In the past year we worked with over 40 UK community projects reaching over 4,000 people through our volunteering work. We also saw enquiries to explore partnerships go up as interest piqued at the end of 2022.
2. Increase in International Partner Engagement: We are delighted to report an increase of international partners to now include Korea, Uganda, South Africa and Rwanda. One of our key objectives is to diversify our portofolio to offer volunteer opportunities to people from all walks of life.

3. Increase in Volunteer Applications: Similarly, we saw an increase in numbers of applications from applicants from the UK, Africa and Asia with over 200 applications.

4.  Volunteer Training Events: We supported over 80 volunteers through training programmes.

5. Leadership Workshops: Our popular placement supervisor training saw over 20 partners coming together to attend training which equipped with the right tools to host volunteers successfully.  

6. Expanded Use of Social Impact: We've seen an increase of outreach through social networks increase. Raising awareness of our work is fundamental to our success be it through word of mouth and to much more popular online engagement.  We continue to grow our audiences with content that will appeal to cross sections of society to continue offer diverse volunteer experiences that change lives.

In Conclusion: A Year of Impactful Growth

Our achievements reflect our unwavering dedication to foster strong and sustainable partnerships that help us achieve our key objectives as a charity. We couldn’t have done it without all our partners and volunteers past and present.

As we work towards our 60th anniverssary year in 2025, we are not only excited about this major milestone and achievement. We are looking forward to building even stronger relationships that will see TfG prosper for the future!

Thank you for supporting us. We look forward to continuing this journey, enriching lives and communities.


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Please let us know if you still have any questions about the programme and how to be part of it and we will do our best to provide more information.

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