Summer at TfG!

It's been a busy summer at TfG HQ! Our wonderful team has been working hard  behind the scenes finalising departures for our amazing volunteers, to preparing for our new cohort of volunteers who joined us over summer. Our team has attended festivals, visited partner organisations all of which has contributed to a successful year.



Our colleague Stephen travelled to United States to join our sending partners at ELCA at their recruitment conference in Chicago earlier in the year. This is a great opportunity for us not only to meet applicants for the programme, but to also work closely with ELCA who are integral to our recruitment in the US.

Stephen says of his experience in the United States ''It was so rewarding especially meeting all the country co-ordinators that help us year long with recruitment. The partnership is so beneficial and reciprocal and being able to spend time was gratifying''.

Another colleague Olly travelled to Slovakia to speak at our partner organisation SEM yearly youth conference attended by over 3,000 young adults. The conference in SEMfest is a Christian conference focussed on inspirational talks and seminars. Olly was able to share his faith and our work as TfG and as part of the EDYN network of which we are part of.

Olly says of his experience, ''It was an absolute blessing to spend time with SEM team and young people passionate about God. The potential for raising disciples for the church is excting to witness. I look forward to more opportunities like this, and looking forward to more volunteers out of Slovakia in the coming years'' . 

Dreaming the Impossible (DTI) Youth Conference

Stephen and our wonderful volunteer Juan from Columbia representedTfG at DTI this year. Over 4000 young people and youth leaders attended this seven-day festival in Stafford, UK.  It was an exciting opportunity for us to showcase TfG and our work. We were thrilled tomeet so many young people experiencing fun and exploring their Christian faith.  We hope to see many come on to the Time for God programme in years to come.

Farewell to volunteers

We said goodbye to our wonderful volunteers from last cohort at events held in London and Manchester. This was special time of reflection as volunteers processed their year and prepared for re-entery to their home countries. This is always a great time to celebrate and reflect on the past year but it also comes with a mixture of emotions as we say goodbye and prepare for a new cohort of volunteers.

Field Team says....

''It's always such a highlight for the team that works so hard throughout the year, to celebrate achievements. Seeing the growth and change that the volunteers grow through is very rewarding indeed!''