Volunteer Details

Logistics and FAQs


For a voluntary service year in United Kingdom, you should bring the following:

  • Curiosity about the intersection of social work and religion
  • Open mindedness about other people and living situation
  • A desire to engage in self-reflection
  • The willingness to spend a year far away from family and friends
  • The willingness to interact with and learn from others
  • An interest in engaging with questions of faith within Christianity
  • At least a basic understanding of the English language and the willingness to improve those skills.

Our programs are open to everyone, regardless their ethnic origin, sex, religion or ideology, sexual orientation or education. What counts is the individual motivation.

Costs and Benefits

As a foreigner doing a voluntary service year in England, you must consider seriously if you are able to afford the year.

Usually, the volunteer must fund his/her travel and visa costs.

The best advice is to check directly with the sending organisation (if you are not a self funding applicant) if they can offer an financial assistance.

Time for God is not able to assist financially at any point because of strict UKVI rules and regulations which we must adhere to.

Application Process


It is best to apply early - between six to nine months before the start of a placement. It is especially important to apply early if you require a visa to live and work in the UK. Our recruitment is open all year round and we have set cohorts starting every January and August / September. However we do work flexibly with the needs of our placements in the UK and some applicants can be considered to start anytime of the year.


If there is an EDYN (Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network) partner organisation in your country, apply there for a voluntary service year in Germany. The EDYN website can be found at: www.edyn.org. If there is no EDYN organisationin your country, then please apply directly to TfG directly as an independent or self funded applicant.


The first step is to get in touch in writing. Then you will receive the necessary information and forms from either the EDYN partner organisation or the respective organisation in your country. Following the written application, there is usually a phone or Skype / Zoom call with TfG staff to get to know you a bit better.

We take what we’ve learned from you from our chat and your applicationand try to match your personality, strengths and interests with one of our manyplacements in the UK

Some placements invite applicants to do a trial for a few days and if we are placing you with any of these projects we will discuss this with you early on so you can plan accordingly.

Finally, once the process of matching you with the best possible match has been made, the placement and the applicant have a zoom call reach a mutual decision about the possibility of a service year.  Time for God will guide you through this process carefully.

The preparation phase

When you have received confirmation of a placement volunteering in England, you should use the months before your departure to prepare. Please think of the following:

Applying for a visa. This is the most important part because of cost involved. TfG together with your sending organisation (if relevant) will provide comprehensive information which you must discuss with your family or guardian.

Organising your travel plans –in conjunction with the organisation and the placement

Learning English or improving upon your existing skills (i.e.  language courses)

If you are being sent by an organisation in your country, there is often a preparatory seminar before you depart. Here you prepare for your year abroad with other volunteers.

If you have any other specific questions please do not hesitate to email us at office@timeforgod.org


Can we help with anything?

Do I need a visa to volunteer in the UK?

Anyone who is not a British Citizen living outside the United Kingdom requires a visa to volunteer in the UK. Only UK citizens or individuals with settled status can join the programme without a UK Visa.

Time for God is a Sponsor for Tier 5 Charity License holder through UK Visa and Immigration. This means that we can issue Certifificate of Sponsorship that allows suitable individuals to apply for a visa to volunteer in the UK under TfG programme.

Are there any age requirements?

We require applicants to be between the ages of 18 – 30 years old.

There may be odd occasions when we will consider older candidates (30 – 35 years old) if projects specially require more experienced volunteers.

Do I need to be of a Christian faith to volunteer with TfG?

Time for God is a Christian organisation and works mainly with organisations with a Christian ethos. We expect applicants to be Christian or at least open to exploring the Christian faith. We believe that we are all on different stages in our faith journey, and thus will meet people where there are in their journey and support them in their volunteering journey with us.

Still have questions?

Please let us know if you still have any questions about the programme and how to be part of it and we will do our best to provide more information.